Synonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Synonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
Antonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Antonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
After the onions sprout keep hilling up soil on each side of the furrow and side-dress with Garden-Tone.
As such, Pooh will look different in every run, as the upgrades you choose dictate whether he'll sprout a new limb, eye, or bulging tumour.
But his 'best-ever' sprout recipe promises to make them taste so much better.
But the break in studies gave him the opportunity to travel to the U.S. and U.K., where the proliferation of mid-market clothing shops planted a seed that he would eventually sprout back home.
Floating seeds will not sprout or grow, so you can toss them out.
From that point the seedling of a program really started to sprout.
I can't imagine what it would be like to see a doll's head laying in the sand, and then see it sprout legs and start walking around.
If you have older seeds, keep in mind that they have a lower germination rate, so they are less likely to sprout than newer ones.
I witnessed where mutual hatred leads, and when I came home I saw that the seeds of political violence were being planted here at home — seeds that started to sprout in the riots of summer 2020 and in the Trump insurrection of 2021.
Mimosa trees are difficult to remove because of the long-lived seeds that grow in long pods and sprout in late summer.
Most weed seeds need light to sprout.
Once the hour is up, remove the zip-lock bag and rise the sprout with water, then dry and buff with a microfibre cloth.
One customer took to social media praising the dish, saying: “The only time in my whole life I have almost enjoyed a sprout.
Sadly they are rarely looked after as they should be, or emptied often enough, mostly because we also have a useful bank the weeds are thrown down, where avocado pits sprout and become fruit trees, and lilly pillies welcome the birds.
She can sprout duplicate parts of her body in places she desires, and after the time skip, she can even create clones of herself and use them for combat.
The clubbable mediocrity whose greatest achievement in life is winning the support of his local Tory association, and blandly surviving into his sixth decade, is taken to pass the “done stuff” test because grey hairs continue to sprout from his head.
The teapot was thrown out, dented and dull, into a McDermott’s sprout box and found its way to Hoylake.