Synonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Synonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
Antonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Antonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
Families with LGBT members need “respectful pastoral guidance” from the church and its pastors so that gays and lesbians can fully carry out God’s will in their lives (Amoris Laetitia 250).”
If you lump gays and lesbians in with them you do get about 5% of the population.
“It became a strange, ‘There can’t be two lesbians in this town’ kind of a thing,” O’Donnell said.
I wasn't aware of any lesbians in my life - in my school, within my teachers, within my parents' friends - which actually of course was not true."
Months after the BBC published the article about some lesbians allegedly being coerced into having sex with trans women, it was revealed the news website had changed the gender of one alleged sexual assailant.
Most lesbians love it.
My worldview was more parochial back then; I naively believed that someone the state or their families would look out for heterosexual elders, but that we lesbians were on our own.
Pushback from within NOW’s ranks resulted in a near-embrace of lesbians within NOW just two years post-purge.
Shatzi doggedly worked to politicize other Jewish lesbians, writing in an op-ed in a of WomaNews that “Jewish women in particular need to educate ourselves about the history of Zionism.”
That majority aside, when we discuss self-identifying gay men, lesbians, asexuals, pansexuals, two-spirit, non-binary and transgender folks, it’s just roughly 3 percent of the population.
The 2016 redub of the anime would fix this to make them out-and-out lesbians than shojo Lannisters.
The ERA focus also shifted NOW’s priorities, subordinating more local concerns and other previously coequal goals such as securing equal rights for lesbians and ensuring that women of color felt welcome and represented in NOW.
The networks women build — the conferences, bookstores, music festivals — are as much about being lesbians as they are about being women.
The same thing is happening with lesbians being pressured to accept men, complete with male features and genitalia, as women.
This is another myth that a lot of men fantasize about when they imagine two lesbians doing it.
When you see what you were talking about, movies where you see two lesbians, having this wonderful time, and you think, well, is this the male perspective of what that looks like, is that male gaze of that, or is that real?