Synonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Synonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
Antonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Antonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
And those Conservative MPs who stuck up for him, time after time, we haven’t forgotten who you are.
A new group of Conservative MPs are demanding fewer visas for care workers.
An investigation by the Guardian finds that a quarter of Conservative MPs hold second jobs.
Backbench Conservative MPs including Tim Loughton have urged the government to commit to setting up safe and legal routes for asylum seekers to arrive in the UK without travelling by small boat.
BBC's new political fact-checker is a Labour activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who said 'never trust a Tory' and described Conservative MPs as 'lower than invertebrates'
But other campaigners, as well as some Conservative MPs, have warned the bill could force more landlords to leave the market and reduce the supply of rental properties.
Conservative MPs Bill Cash, Danny Kruger, Jonathan Gullis, John Hayes and Simon Clarke are among those leading the hardline amendments limiting court powers.
Conservative MPs don't have to turn up - to use the jargon it is a one line whip.
Conservative MPs in are reportedly furious with the party leadership after city-focused leaflets were handed out in a marginal constituency, Wrexham in Wales.
Conservative MPs largely sounded supportive of the plan in the House of Commons Tuesday.
Conservative MPs see it as an overtly political visit – an opportunity to smooth relations that may otherwise be left bristling after the thorny business of thrashing out a deal.
However, in the event the rebels were smashed, with just 22 Conservative MPs going against the government.
However, Ms Rayner described the Privileges Committee as 'highly respected' and pointed to the fact that the majority of its members are Conservative MPs.
“In Parliament, Conservative MPs are out for themselves.
It will be a free vote for Conservative MPs, meaning party managers - known as whips - will not instruct them which way to vote.
Labour insisted all civil service rules will be followed after outcry from Conservative MPs about the civil servant’s new role.
Local Conservative MPs have heralded the changes, saying they mean people will get to take home more of the money they earn.
Mr Sunak is due to travel to Downing Street where he is expected to join Conservative MPs for a barbecue.
Nearly 50 Conservative MPs have called on the Prime Minister to 'act with urgency' to 'protect children and childhood across the UK'.
Poilievre was joined in Port Alberni by fellow Conservative MPs Marc Dalton (Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge) and Tracy Gray (Kelowna-Lake Country).