Synonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Synonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
Antonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Antonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
A banker at the Beijing branch of a commercial bank said about 20 percent of existing clients had applied to prepay mortgages and his bank had stretched the approval process to about half a year.
ABC noted Kutti's former clients included R. Kelly and Kanye West.
A Bristol financial advice firm has said it will be wound up after its staff and clients were acquired by its sister company in a combination deal.
A Bury-based creative agency, Think, has won three new clients who have all enlisted the team’s digital expertise.
A CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes team worked with 621 clients who were homeless or at risk of homelessness in central-western NSW in the past year.
Accenture will invest in new and existing relationships across its cloud, data and AI ecosystems to reinvent the type of work being delivered to clients.
According to CryptoCompare, “Escoin aims to allow its clients access to lawyers from all around the world through Prae Legal Network, with expertise in a diverse range of cross-border transactions.
According to details from the company website, Hyfex Capital enables its clients to invest safely in securities that bring steady dividends with minimal risks.
According to her, “Our participating clients were granted the privilege of spotlighting their products and innovations at the Expo, thereby showcasing the ingenuity emerging from Ghana.
According to police, Armylaw OÜ provides legal counsel on how to avoid conscription, giving clients the impression that the activity is legal.
A COMING of age-themed party marked the 17th birthday of a leading Hampshire digital marketing agency with clients including Tui, Papa Johns and Cambridge University.
A common stepping stone Williams has clients use is creating a common language.
A CUMBRIAN wealth management company is celebrating adding three more qualified financial planners to its team as its number of clients continues to grow.
Additionally, consider offering incentives for clients who refer others to your practice.
Additionally, we had 33 clients each paying us in excess of GBP5 million per year in the quarter just ended compared to GBP25 in the same period last year, representing a 32% year-on-year increase.
Adult clients can book “walk-and-talk” sessions with a therapist, working through their problems while strolling in the fresh air (or on a treadmill, if bad weather demands it).
Advocacy is not the end of the funnel because these new clients will now advocate for your law firm, spread the word, and recommend your law firm to friends and acquaintances.
A federal parliamentary committee inquiry was told recently that agents were also financially exploiting their clients and should be better regulated, amid a recent surge of fraudulent applications, particularly from South Asia.
“After 10 years of partnering with Xero to provide our clients with the best cloud-based accounting support, we are elated to be recognised as their SA Partner of the Year for 2023,” said Simon Magner, managing director of Iridium Business Solutions.
After informing its clients to do so, the amount of crypto assets held on the…