Synonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Synonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
Antonyms that are in the dictionary are marked in green. Antonyms that are not in the dictionary are marked in red.
According to imam, Aziz the mosque is more than 150 years old.
All the more curious then – as Saudi expert Aziz Alghashian wrote Monday in Foreign Policy – that as the conflict has deepened, the Saudis are “using an overlooked diplomatic tool: silence.”
And, Aziz went on to say, “I never killed anybody, by the acts of my own hand.”
Aziz noted that it would also enable the population gain access to basic health care, education and social safety nets, facilitate financial inclusion and foster the empowerment of people, including women and girls.
Aziz predicts many GPs will be reluctant to prescribe the drug, even if authorised by Nice, because the burden of dealing with children suffering from side-effects will fall on primary care services that are already chronically overstretched.
"Aziz showed a complete disrespect for everyone that night and it is Mrs Moore and her family that have paid the price for his dangerous and selfish actions."
Aziz was appointed to the council in August 2020, according to the mayor.
Basharat said that undaunted by constant fire from enemy’s tanks and artillery, Aziz Bhatti successfully organized the defence of the canal.
Diamniadio (Senegal) – President of Senegal Macky Sall on Wednesday in Diamniadio, 30 km from Dakar, received a message from the head of government, Aziz Akannouch, His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
Former Casey mayors Sam Aziz and Geoff Ablett accepted more than $1.15 million in payments and in-kind support for promoting developer John Woodman or his clients’ interests on council, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission found.
Great Harwood Labour councillors Noordad Aziz, Scott Brerton and Colin McKenzie have challenged the decision to proceed with the scheme taken by the authority's cabinet last month.
'He just feels stuck around there,' Aziz said.
I was working on “Master of None” season two, and Aziz Ansari had asked me if – you know just casually, he wasn’t asking me to do it on the show – but he asked me if I had ever thought about directing.
Mr Aziz was cleared of murder but Younis was convicted after a trial and sentenced on Thursday, August 10.
Now, the Aziz Foundation said the mosque will serve Muslims who work in the area, as well as those visiting London as tourists.
On Thursday, June 8th, Aziz Mottiwala sold 100 shares of Tarsus Pharmaceuticals stock.
Petitioner’s lawyer Adil Aziz Qazi said that the decision regarding the increase in the number of UCs was taken on his application but he was not served notice.
PTI Senator Mohsin Aziz said it is impossible for lawmakers to read 12 bills in a day and demanded that they “not be made a rubber stamp legislature”.
Raza Aziz, 35, recently moved to Canada from Peshawar, Pakistan.
Robertson was jailed for eight years, with Lyons, Aziz and Blackwood each handed a seven-year stretch.